Layanan Penerbitan Buku

Kami menyediakan layanan penerbitan buku pendidikan berkualitas untuk siswa, guru, dan masyarakat umum.

Katalog Buku

Temukan berbagai koleksi buku pendidikan yang lengkap dan mudah diakses untuk semua jenjang pendidikan.

A row of vintage hardcover books with visible spines. Titles include 'Yankee Priest' by Edward F. Murphy, 'Basic History of the United States' by Charles A. and Mary R. Beard, and 'Three Detective Novels' by John Dickson Carr. The books are neatly arranged and display a variety of muted colors and classic typography.
A row of vintage hardcover books with visible spines. Titles include 'Yankee Priest' by Edward F. Murphy, 'Basic History of the United States' by Charles A. and Mary R. Beard, and 'Three Detective Novels' by John Dickson Carr. The books are neatly arranged and display a variety of muted colors and classic typography.
Promosi Buku

Kami membantu mempromosikan buku-buku pendidikan berkualitas agar lebih dikenal oleh masyarakat luas.

Dapatkan akses mudah ke layanan penerbitan dan distribusi buku pendidikan yang berkualitas.

Layanan Distribusi
Two books with colorful bindings are stacked on a rough-textured surface, alongside a green cup. In the background, several blurred figures, suggesting a classroom or seminar setting, are visible, adding depth to the scene.
Two books with colorful bindings are stacked on a rough-textured surface, alongside a green cup. In the background, several blurred figures, suggesting a classroom or seminar setting, are visible, adding depth to the scene.
A collection of books and folders stacked vertically in a shelf or storage area. The book titles are visible, indicating subjects such as mathematics, genetics, biotechnology, and English, aimed at senior secondary and undergraduate levels. A blue container and a brown envelope are also present alongside the books.
A collection of books and folders stacked vertically in a shelf or storage area. The book titles are visible, indicating subjects such as mathematics, genetics, biotechnology, and English, aimed at senior secondary and undergraduate levels. A blue container and a brown envelope are also present alongside the books.

Kontak Kami

Several books are displayed on a shelf. The prominent titles include a book with a red cover and gold lettering, along with several copies of a white book with a black and white illustration and text in a different language.
Several books are displayed on a shelf. The prominent titles include a book with a red cover and gold lettering, along with several copies of a white book with a black and white illustration and text in a different language.

Hubungi kami untuk pertanyaan tentang penerbitan buku atau koleksi buku pendidikan yang kami tawarkan.

Tentang Kami - CV. Yuna Jurnal Borneo

Platform digital untuk penerbitan dan akses buku pendidikan berkualitas bagi siswa, guru, dan masyarakat.

Several sheets of paper with printed text are scattered and overlapping. The text appears to be related to educational topics, with headings like 'Natural and Common Objects' and 'Free-Arm and Industrial Drawing.' The pages are arranged casually, creating a layered effect.
Several sheets of paper with printed text are scattered and overlapping. The text appears to be related to educational topics, with headings like 'Natural and Common Objects' and 'Free-Arm and Industrial Drawing.' The pages are arranged casually, creating a layered effect.



Terpercaya dan Berkualitas

Buku Pendidikan